walking meditation (kinhin)

Geraldine Fleming

broken bike bell in pigtail flight
chimes an impromptu kinhin
to salve this sombre soul

seeker of a dynamic transfusion
saunters under a deep sapphire sky
head swimming in blue ether

cumulus clouds flying in echelon suspension
smattered with cirrus smudges
impress the stillness in the morning

loaminess rises from the settled dew
behind wooden bars dog daisies strain
bent heads pleading for freedom

the palest rose bush drapes corner close
unwittingly pompoms are shin-scythed
exploding along the event horizon

bee-hungry flowers scream out their colours
come closer in crimson and yellow and pink
come closer in purple and orange and white

music escapes the domestic brink
telling tales of lives shedding sleep
stirring gospel melds with riotous rock
and softens with syncopated jazz

rounding the final corner
wind chimes signal the end of kinhin
emerging from the blindspot
a blurred contrail mists into focus

Geraldine Fleming retired early from an all-consuming career due to ill health. Bereft of purpose in life she found herself drawn into a past interest in creative writing. She is a member of the North Coast Writers Group in Northern Ireland and enjoys writing both prose and poetry. She has published in a number of journals including the Bangor Literary Journal, Pendemic, The Crow of Minerva, Neuro Logical Literary Magazine, Selcouth Station Sledgehammer, Impspired, A New Ulster and Visual Verse. She also has publication pending in Second Chance Lit.