Shelf Life

Kara Knickerbocker

It happened among wildflowers, sitting

on grass his father mowed the day before.

I was reading a story he’d written for school

when he scooted closer and closer,

until his shaking knee grazed mine.

Over twice his age, I felt all of the twelve years

of his life in deep breaths, pounding heart like

a hammer in the toolbox, jumping out. To be saved

and to be free. A kiss can do that to you, you know.

And he, the neighbor boy, wanted to know. He was dying.

Before I could move, he leaned in to kiss me in that golden hour.

A hand on each shoulder, lips wet and too fast. I sat, stunned.

Just then, his mom called from the back porch for dinner,

asked if I wanted some raspberry jam she’d canned.

I couldn’t breathe from that hard sweetness,

that impossible and sticky summer,

for the unbreakable little boy with a shelf life.

I held the glass jar tight to my chest the whole way home,

unable to bear the thought of it shattering—

Kara Knickerbocker is the author of the chapbooks The Shedding Before the Swell & Next to Everything that is Breakable. Her poetry and essays have appeared in: Poet Lore, HOBART, Levee Magazine, Portland Review, and more. Find her online at and Twitter @karaknick.